Sean Hannity Encourages Tennessee Voters to Support Bill Hagerty


Radio and FOX News personality Sean Hannity on Saturday endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty.

Hannity announced his support on Twitter.

“Tennessee – send @BillHagertyTN to the Senate. He supported @realDonaldTrump in 2016 & has worked closely with him since,” Hannity tweeted.

“Bill is the ONLY Trump conservative in the #TNSen race. He has my total support.”

Hagerty responded to Hannity’s endorsement in a press release.

“I’m honored to have Sean Hannity’s endorsement,” Hagerty said.

“He’s been a leading conservative voice for decades, and I’m grateful he’s on Team Hagerty.”

Mark Levin, another right-of-center radio and television personality, last week endorsed Haggerty’s opponent Manny Sethi.

Hagerty is competing against Sethi in an August 6 Republican primary to replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

Other Hagerty Endorsements

As The Tennessee Star reported Saturday, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said in Clarksville Friday that he wants Tennessee voters to send Hagerty to the U.S. Senate. Cotton and Hagerty appeared alongside one another at the Clarksville Country Club.

“In the middle of campaigns, politicians like to get all chesty and talk big about how tough they are and how they will be prepared for a fight. They all do. But how do you know that that’s true? How do you know they will actually stand strong when the fire is upon us? [It’s] whether they’ve done it before,” Cotton said.

“Four years ago, Bill Hagerty stood with Donald Trump from the beginning all the way to Election Day and beyond. Bill Hagerty wasn’t popular in a lot of places. ‘Republicans have chosen Donald Trump as our presidential nominee and we have to defeat Hillary Clinton and I dedicate the next six months of my life to doing it.’ That is one of the reasons why Donald Trump got elected president in 2016.”

As The Star also reported, U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Wednesday endorsed Hagerty to work alongside her in Washington, D.C.

Blackburn tweeted her support for Hagerty and called him “a true conservative.”

Blackburn elaborated her support for Hagerty — and faulted Sethi — in a press release that Hagerty’s staff posted on his campaign’s website.

“Manny’s friends – and personally picked board members – supported Phil Bredesen and publicly wrongly attacked me during the 2018 election. He stood by and did nothing – they remain on the board of his ‘policy think tank’ to this day and were not held accountable for their accusations,” Blackburn said.

“He wanted to work in the Obama, Biden White House, defended and supported Obamacare, and gave to ActBlue, which is bankrolling the Marxist BLM movement. Tennesseans can’t afford to send someone who is conveniently conservative to be a Republican and consistently supports President Trump when it’s politically convenient. Bill is the consistently conservative choice. Join me and President Trump in supporting Bill Hagerty for Senate.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Sean Hannity” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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9 Thoughts to “Sean Hannity Encourages Tennessee Voters to Support Bill Hagerty”

  1. Dave

    Hagerty’s defamatory attack ads against Sethi are despicable & I’m hoping most true conservatives in Tennessee will see thru them. I was proud to vote for Dr. Manny! I agree with those who feel Trump was wrong to take sides early in this race.

  2. Barbara Cassell

    Voted for Dr. Manny

  3. We are going to vote for Sethi.. Hannity is playing the RINO political percentage game.
    Hagerty is Haslam personfied. His history speaks the truth, his words no so much.

  4. Ron Welch

    I’m supporting and voting for Manny Sethi. I’ve had the privilege of knowing him personally so I KNOW his real views firsthand. He’s received the endorsements of most all Co stituttional conser still Es who have been elected in Tennessee, plus Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.I still remember the late Sen John McCain, a RINO, calling them “wacko birds”. They always attack Cinstitutional conservatives and pro Liberty candidates and office holders, like Dr Manny.

  5. Trevor

    Kevin, I agree Trump should not have gotten involved! Another bad pick, Jeff Sessions, Judge Campbell, John Bolton, Bill Hagerty! This was inside job to put another RINO in office from TN. Well it did expose Marsha as a member of the swamp! As RINO Lamar Alexander said last week ” People elected me to the Senate, Not to tell them how to Vote”. Disappointed in Marsha!
    Please ask Marsha why swamp creature Hagerty did not make a contribution to her senate race? Interesting…..

  6. Kevin

    Sorry, me and most everybody I know have already voted for Sethi!

    If Hannity is worried about a Sethi win making Trump look bad, maybe Trump shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place! The good news is that Tennesseans can walk and chew gum at the smae time. We can vote against a Trump supported Senate candidate, while still supporting the President.

    What I find interesting about this whole thing, is how quickly the establishment, aka “the swamp” engulfs everybody and everything that gets close to it. The old adage “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is still true. And virtue is a thing of the past!

    1. JB Taylor

      I totally agree with you!

    2. Barbara Cassell

      Agree, Kevin

  7. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    That in itself is a reason to vote for Dr. Manny. Sean Hannity is the worst of the neocons.
